Japan & UK Get Down To Post-Brexit Business

With the start of the first working day after the New Year…

“Dumb Mistake” Leads To Canadian Government Resignation

In Canada, the Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford yesterday announced the resignation…

Ghazal Omid Pt.2 – Islam Today: Iran, China, & The United States

Pt 1 of this interview appeared yesterday and can be viewed here.…

Iranian-Canadian Author Ghazal Omid On Islam Today – Pt.1: Charlie Hebdo & Jihad

Editor’s note: This is the first in a two part interview with…

Should Marijuana Be Legalized In Taiwan?

In November, 2020, Taiwanese police tracked down a marijuana factory and seized…

Canadian & British Links To Indian ‘Farmers’ Agitation – Better Than Fiction

The truth behind the recent Punjab farm workers agitation in coming to…

Is ‘Five Eyes’ Pressure Starting To Be Felt In China?

The recent Five Eye criticism of draconian Hong Kong policy has earned…

Global Anti-China Protests Set For Int’l Human Rights Day

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Peaceful Protests are being scheduled around the world to mark International Human…

Japan Forward Thinking On Energy Policy As Canada Lags

A group of Japanese politicians from the conservative leaning ruling LDP has…

Canada’s Post-COVID Economy Package Biggest Since WWII

The Canadian government is preparing to spend big in its post-COVID economic…

Fossil Fuels To Remain Canada’s Energy Of Choice In 2050

A report released by Canada’s Energy Regulator (CER), has said that by…