AmCham Taiwan
AmCham Taiwan

One of the first indicators that a country is going through some tension is when you see the major brands working in the country reacting to something you don’t even know about. A similar thing happened in Afghanistan where the US firms working in the country, who had already made contingency plans, started pulling out, knowing that something was about to happen. Surely enough, we found out months later that the brands were right because the US announced that they had made a deal with the Taliban, who are set to take over the country’s power, and the US is withdrawing its military from the country after almost two decades.

We will not say anything about Afghanistan’s situation and whether the US made the right decision. We are only focused on Taiwan now, and everyone knows about the China-Taiwan conflict. It is reported that the US firms working in Taiwan are now making “contingency” plans if anything happens between the two countries. Companies plan a contingency plan when they need to react quickly to a situation, similar to what you would do in an emergency.

Since the US firms are already making such plans, you can be sure that things are not okay in the China-Taiwan region. The US firms have already said that they are feeling the heat, and their business is also affected due to these tensions. A research firm surveyed almost 400+ US businesses in Taiwan, and almost 33% said they are not planning to invest further in Taiwan due to political uncertainty.

China also claims Taiwan as its land and is trying to assert its authority by doing military drills on the Taiwan Strait. This anxiety worries the firms in Taiwan that China is mighty and can gobble up Taiwan whenever it wants to. Currently, things are settled as it is because the US pressures China not to do anything silly otherwise, they are there to protect Taiwan at any cost. However, the worry is that if the US, for whatsoever reason, backs out of giving protection to Taiwan, then the country can be attacked by China without any notice.

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