This is the latest – the sixth so far – in a series of interviews we did at different times in the 2020 CPBL baseball season, that we are reposting as we enter the final countdown ahead of the 2021 CPBL Season.

Just to whet your appetite.

Opening game, weather permitting, will be next weekend.

Last year it was all about beating COVID – and the CPBL, and Taiwan as a whole, did an excellent job in doing so, becoming the first baseball league in the world to get the games on, and eventually fans in the seats.

Here’s hoping for another year of COVID-free baseball, some great games, and memories for all – and perhaps a place on Taiwan’s Olympic team for this fella.

Who is Su Wei-Ta in his own words?
I’m an infielder for the CTBC Brothers in the CPBL here in Taiwan, and I like playing video games. (smiles)
Su Wei-Ta
Su Wei-Ta
How did you first get into baseball as a kid?
From grade three in my elementary school, my older brother played for our school clubs at that time so I went to the games with him, and ended up playing with teenagers.
Which players at the time did you admire?
In grade three, no-one really, but after joining the team and moving up to grade four I admired Ichiro Suzuki.
I read books about him and saw videos of him playing, and admired his batting style and vibe.
And did you have a favorite team at that time?
I initially wanted to play overseas and at that time I didn’t have any special wish to join the CPBL as my dream was to play overseas in the MLB.
My favorite teams were the Yankees and the Indians.
Su Wei-Ta C: CTBC Brothers
Su Wei-Ta C: CTBC Brothers
As a professional yourself how do you feel now, in mid-2020 approaching your 30s?
I think you can never learn enough (of) baseball. You face different opponents in different environments and learn from every game.
And the method of training and pre-game preparation is the most important thing, continuing it into the actual game.
Any regrets in your career to date?
None at all. I make sure I do what I need to do every day from before the season with spring training, through till now, so no regrets.
What was has been the most important moment in your career to date?
Last year when I faced the Lions pitcher Pan Wei-Lun – I had watched him pitching since I was a kid – I hit my first ever grand slam.
At the time I didn’t know it was also Pan’s first ever time giving up a grand slam. The news guys told me later.
But, in the end that pitcher also got his 1000th strike-out against me (laughs).
Su Wei-Ta C: CTBC Brothers
Su Wei-Ta C: CTBC Brothers
This season the Brothers are currently in 2nd place in the league. How do you see the rest of the season panning out?
I think we are improving, and in the months till the end of the year I am not worried.
We are taking things step by step.
What about the end of the season and the Taiwan Series – do you have the team to win it this year?
Yes, I think this year is promising. It is our goal to win the title every year. In the past few years we have been so close, and this year we are all ready to take that final step.
Away from baseball, how do you like to relax?
I play games on my phone to kill the time. But not for too long, and that is between doing other things.
Do you watch baseball on your days off?
I like to spend time with my family, heading to the beach or the mountain.
I don’t want to watch the games, or any sort of sport because I spend so much time at the ballpark when I work.
But I do watch the playback videos before a game or to prepare to face a given opponent.
Brothers - Taiwan's most popular team
Brothers – Taiwan’s most popular team
2000 fans can now come back in to watch the Brothers games. We are hoping soon that will increase further – are you and the team looking forward to that?
Yes, I am really looking forward to the stadium being full.
Even though there are 2000 fans inside now, the noise is not comparable with a full house. And when the stadium is full, we are all affected by the vibe, we feel invigorated by the fans’ presence.
It is totally different. Especially at our home stadium. I feel so much more pumped.
Is this your first time experiencing such quiet conditions?

Yes, because we have so many fans. That said I feel so grateful to those in the front line against the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of them we are still playing.

What would you say to the English speaking Brothers fans around the world who now follow the Brothers and the CPBL because of the league’s new found global fame? …in English?
(smiling and speaking in Mandarin) I don’t speak English.
But, it is nice that you are getting to learn about Taiwan and Taiwanese baseball, so please keep watching us.

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