The president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro has seemingly claimed his current lung infection could be the result of mold in his lungs, as opposed to having been infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus earlier in the month.
In the weeks prior to testing positive for the virus, Bolsonaro repeatedly ignored the advice of medical professionals and was often seen greeting well-wishers without a mask.
He was initially tested positive for the virus on July 7th but has since been tested negative according to reports from Brazil.
Michelle Bolsonaro, wife of the controversial president, however, tested positive for the coronavirus yesterday.
Yet, despite being cleared of coronavirus in a test conducted on July 25th, President Bolsonaro said yesterday that he was now taking antibiotics for an infection and mentioned “mold” in his lungs in a video released to the public.
“I just did a blood test. I was feeling kind of weak yesterday. They found a bit of infection also. Now I’m on antibiotics,” Mr. Bolsonaro said in the video, without expanding.
On the same day the president’s wife tested positive for the virus it was revealed that Brazil’s Science and Technology Minister Marcos Pontes had also contracted COVID-19, the fifth Brazilian cabinet minister known to have been infected.