We have seen that while China says that Taiwan is their integral part and they are not willing to identify it as a separate nation, the US side is adamant that Taiwan is an island nation and it should not be merged with China. This is the reason why we are seeing a conflict between the US and China on the matter of Taiwan. The public of Taiwan also does not want to merge with China as they believe that the current freedom they enjoy being a separate nation will be taken away once they are under the CCP.
Having said that, we know that China believes they in the one-China policy and Taiwan should not have its own government or be separate from them which is why the Chinese Government is preparing to invade Taiwan sooner or later. Between all this, the US is constantly supporting Taiwan and they have a good reason to do so as well. The US wants to establish Taiwan’s semiconductor manufacturing facilities in their own country which is why they are providing ammunition as well as political support. Talking about giving support, the US has now asked the WHO to invite Taiwan to its meeting later this month as an observer which will be held in Geneva in the last 10 days of May this year.
Obviously, this will irk China even more as the Chinese side have always blocked Taiwan from participating in any formal meetings where the country will be represented and have always maintained that Taiwan should be recognized as China itself. US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken said, “Inviting Taiwan as an observer would exemplify the WHO’s commitment to an inclusive, ‘health for all’ approach to international health cooperation,”. He added that their request to invite Taiwan is a part of Washington’s one-China policy. Talking about the US’ One-China policy, it states that “the United States acknowledges that Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States does not challenge that position”. China’s problem with US is that they interfere too much with Taiwan despite saying that they are part of China.