Manny Ramirez - C. SFJ
Manny Ramirez – C. SFJ

When the story of Manny Ramirez wanting to come back to play in Taiwan’s professional baseball league – the CPBL – broke here on the pages of The Taiwan Times last week, baseball fans around the world sat up, and took notice.

Ball fans in lockdown across the globe suddenly had something real to read – the hopes of a huge name of yesteryear hoping to make a comeback in the then only professional league playing anywhere in the world.

And this writer’s cellphone went into meltdown!

That first piece – here – detailed the man himself and his “goal for 2020, (being )to find a roster spot in the CPBL.”

Manny told us he has “been itching to get back in the batter’s box and be able to compete again. (He) also miss(es) being around teammates and team dinners post-game.” and that he knows “if (I) was given the opportunity to come in an organization as a player-coach, it would do great things for the organization and the league.”

The interest continues

Almost a week later things have not quietened down, so we spoke to Manny again to see what he thought about the hullabaloo raised by the ‘possibility’ that he ‘may’ be headed back to Taiwan.

Speaking through his son, Manny Junior, as we broke on Twitter late last night Taiwan time, he confirmed he is in the “preliminary stage of talking with the Wei Chuan Dragons.”

Tweet confirming Manny's preliminary talks with the Dragons
Tweet confirming Manny’s preliminary talks with the Dragons

Just hours ago Manny also went on to talk about the reaction by the overwhelmingly positive Taiwanese public to the story saying – “I am very humbled by the gracious reaction of the Taiwanese people. It’s been a bit overwhelming to receive such positivity, not only from Taiwan but also here in the States. I will continue to use my fans’ confidence in my abilities as motivation—moving forward.”

He has not, however, taken his eye off his intended goals – playing once again in Taiwan’s CPBL; “I have been training and hitting everyday to make sure the fans of the CPBL get the best Manny. In times like this, the fans deserve it.”

Yet, while his intended destination for now is Taiwan, Manny also confirmed that he has had other offers when asked – “In regards to the stateside baseball, I have received two more offers from the American Association and another Atlantic League team. Still, (the) CPBL remains (my) top priority.

In looking to achieve his dream, the former EDA Rhinos man also indicated a reshuffle in the team around him closing – “my oldest son,Manuel, is my representation during this time and has been in preliminary contacts with the Dragons. If God permits it, a roster spot will open up for the second-half of the season.”
Whether or not the Dragons’ talks pan out remains to be seen, but Taiwanese baseball fans can, for now, feel content that this is where baseball-royalty want to be. 
UPDATEThe Taiwan Times spoke with the Dragons at 1615 Monday afternoon. 
The club’s PR manager, when asked about the possibility of Manny joining the team said “If Manny wants to come to Taiwan it will be an option for Manny or the Dragons. We will speak with the coach and the general manager to see what happens. We are glad Manny wants to come back to Taiwan, but will discuss this issue again at a later time.”

Editor’s note – for any other media or even team reps reading and looking to get in touch with Manny direct – please follow us on Twitter and send a DM. At the request of Manny we will give out a direct contact address.

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