
The UK & The EU Today – The Bottom Line

On December 24th 2020, Britain and the European Union (EU) finally struck a hard-fought trade agreement, officially ending the 47-year…

4 years ago

Japan & UK Get Down To Post-Brexit Business

With the start of the first working day after the New Year holidays, Japan and the United Kingdom are getting…

4 years ago

UK & EU Strike Post-Brexit Deal After Months Of Wrangling

The United Kingdom and the European Union have agreed a post-Brexit trade deal after almost a year of wrangling marred…

4 years ago

EU Blinks First In UK Border / Brexit Standoff

The European Commission has asked its 27 member states to remove bans aimed at citizens wanting to travel to the United…

4 years ago

UK Will Not Extend Brexit Deadline PM Tells Scottish Nationalist Leader

Responding to calls from the leader of the Scottish Nationalists and the mayor of London, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson…

4 years ago

BREXIT Deal Collapses As UK Demands ‘Substantial Shift’ From EU

In news from the UK, it is being reported this morning that unless the UK sees a  "substantial shift" from…

4 years ago

Brexit Mastermind Dominic Cummings Set To Depart No.10

British media is now reporting that Prime Minister Boris Johnson's senior adviser, Dominic Cummings will leave his post by the…

4 years ago

Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict Manipulated By Turkish Led Partnership

Editor's note: This is a guest piece by Indian journalist and friend of The Taiwan Times - Brijender Mudgil The…

4 years ago

Japanese Automakers To Seek £££ From UK Over Failed BREXIT Talks

Japan's two largest automakers, Toyota and Nissan, will seek financial compensation from the British government should London not reach an…

4 years ago

Boris Johnson Moves To Save UK From ‘Carve Up’, Defend Open Irish Border

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has defended the British government's plans to set aside some parts of the  current Brexit…

4 years ago

French Barb Accuses UK Of Playing For Time In Post-Brexit Talks

In his latest barb aimed at the UK in relation to post-Brexit talks French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian has…

5 years ago