Police accused Hong Kong media king Jimmy Lai and two other famous activists of being guilty. They participate in a lookout to note the Tiananmen massacre. The judge convicted Lai, Chow Hang Tung, and Gwyneth Ho for provoking and participating in an illegal assembly. These three were among thousands who disobeyed a prohibition.
They also participated in a vigil, celebrating the 1989 crackdown at the Tiananmen massacre. The police charged more than two dozen activists and politicians over it. These three were the last to obtain their judgment as they preferred to question their accusations. During their prosecution, they disagreed; they retained lit candles amidst vigil in a private capacity.
They didn’t provoke others to engage in the unauthorized march. Nonetheless, District Court Judge Amanda Woodcock rejected the statements as “frankly nonsensical”. He noted that their engagement was an act of hostility and objection against the cops. He sentenced them on 13 December and encountered a maximum of 5 years in jail.
Lai is the creator of the now-defunct Apple Daily magazine. He is one of the most well-known followers of the town’s pro-democracy action. He was in jail for participating in pro-democracy riots. Chow is the vice chairwoman of Hong Kong Alliance and a former attorney. Both are also in jail, and the court denied their bail.
Because they encounter many accusations, including some under a strict nationwide defense law. Also, the yearly lookout has taken to Hong Kong for decades. It often entices tens of thousands who assemble to mark the Chinese troops’ anniversary. Hong Kong was one of the very few areas in China where people could talk about the occurrence.
It is very susceptible in mainland China. It prohibits any events marking the scrubs and incident notes from social media. But Hong Kong governments prohibited the lookout in 2020 for the first time. Activists condemned administrators of bowing to force from Beijing to calm pro-democracy manners.
Credits: BBC