Israeli protest for ceasefire
Israeli protest for ceasefire

On Sunday night, tens of thousands of Israelis took to the streets in a massive demonstration following the grim discovery of six more hostages dead in Gaza. The protest, the largest in nearly a year of conflict, saw crowds chanting “Now! Now!” as they demanded Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu negotiate a cease-fire with Hamas to secure the release of remaining captives.

The demonstration represents a significant escalation in public discontent, with protesters expressing frustration over the ongoing conflict and the perceived failure of the government to address the hostage crisis effectively. The emotional outpouring included people weeping and holding vigils outside Netanyahu’s office in Jerusalem. In Tel Aviv, relatives of the hostages marched with coffins to underscore the personal toll of the situation.

The Histadrut, Israel’s largest trade union, added to the pressure by announcing a general strike scheduled for Monday. This will be the first strike since the Hamas attack on October 7 that sparked the current war. The strike aims to disrupt major sectors including banking, healthcare, and transportation, further intensifying the government’s challenges.

Cease-fire negotiations have stalled for months, with many Israelis blaming Netanyahu for the lack of progress. Opinion polls indicate that a majority of the public supports a cease-fire agreement, contrasting with the Prime Minister’s strategy of pursuing “total victory” over Hamas, even if it means delaying a deal for the hostages.

The discovery of the six dead hostages, including an Israeli-American who was reportedly scheduled to be released in an early phase of a proposed cease-fire in July, has fueled outrage among the protesters. Many feel that the government’s inability to secure a timely cease-fire has cost lives.

“Nothing is worse than knowing that they could have been saved,” said Dana Loutaly, highlighting the deep frustration felt by many. The protests and strike reflect a growing demand for immediate action and a resolution to the ongoing crisis. It is worth noting that the US and other countries are trying to reach a deal between Israel and Gaza for a ceasefire and this is also because one US citizen was also found dead among the newly found bodies from a Gaza tunnel.

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