Screengrab of ‘Theresa’ and daughter speaking to local media

Another story of anti-Asian racism has emerged in the U.S. – this time in Fremont, California.

In a story now starting to make headlines in what is supposed to be the most liberal state in the union, a Fremont mother and her 10-year-old daughter were reportedly abused multiple times in one day by a neighbour.

The victim, using the name Theresa, is said to be a local resident of Asian descent, although she is not Chinese.

In response to Theresa saying “Oh, it’s so lovely to meet you” when she first met the alleged abuser, she was then asked personal questions on “(w)hether or not (she) was a renter” and “how much my house cost” Theresa claims.

Video was soon thereafter taken of the woman saying “go back to China” on multiple occasions, and shouting homophobic insults.

The ‘verbal assault’ will not, however, be recorded as a hate crime, as no physical violence or threats were made by the woman in question police say – a person already known to local law enforcement officers.

All this took place in front of Theresa’s 10-year old daughter who responded to media questions with “I just thought that was really wrong.”

Theresa has since said she is “blown away” by the support she has received online in the wake of the encounter and also in the community, with local mayor of Fremont , Lily Mei telling local ABC7 News in a later publicised private message on a social media app that the verbal assault left her feeling “dismayed at the lack of respect and kindness in this abhorrent behavior.”

Theresa meanwhile issued a public message saying “We should have a productive and positive conversation about what’s going on so we can facilitate change.”

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