U.S. President Donald Trump Tuesday visited the site of the most recent episode of rioting on American streets and declared the violence seen in Kenosha, Wisconsin, a case of “domestic terror” and “anti-American.”

The president did not mention before, during, or after his visit, Jacob Blake, who was badly wounded in Kenosha after being shot multiple times by police on August 23rd.

In visiting a site still smouldering and with local media reporting the smell of smoke in the air, President Trump did so against the wishes of local officials.

“These are not acts of peaceful protest but, really, domestic terror,” President Trump said, using the opportunity to pressure the Democrats for not accepting a presidential offer of federal assistance to help resolve the issues faced by Kenosha residents.

“They just don’t want us to come, These governors don’t want to call, and the mayors don’t want to call. They have to ask” Mr. Trump said to the gathered media.

The President’s motorcade, when visiting the site of the worst violence passed through mixed crowds with some waving the stars and stripes in support of Mr. Trump, and others carrying Black Lives Matter signs.

During the visit the area was essentially locked down by a huge police presence that included armoured vehicles.

Official portrait of President Donald J. Trump, Friday, October 6, 2017. (Official White House photo by Shealah Craighead)

Speaking after his visit, Mr. Trump said he felt “terribly” for those losing property, but remained vague in saying that the situation in Kenosha was “complicated” and “under investigation.”

The President also attacked recent left wing riots in Portland, Oregon, in addition to shootings in Chicago and New York.

Official portrait of Vice President Joe Biden by David Lienemann

His opposite number in the election race, Joe Biden, meanwhile was quick to try and politicize the events in Wisconsin. His team has announced that they were considering a visit to Kenosha, but have yet to release details.

“He doesn’t want to shed light, he wants to generate heat, and he’s stoking violence in our cities. He can’t stop the violence because for years he’s fomented it” the former vice-president claimed.

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